5 Year Old Kayla Got Her First Gift.

5 Year Old Kayla Got Her First Gift.

"Thank you so much for the watch. It has everything a watch should have."
James, age 13
"Thank you for my birthday presents. It was my biggest birthday blessing ever."
Lisa, age 9
"...a wonderful way to minister and make children feel special!"
Joyce Minor - Prison Fellowship Ministry, Delivery Team Manager
"Just wanted to email you and say thank you for the present for our young man. He was removed from his mother's custody just before Christmas, and is in foster care. He was very thrilled that he got a present for his birthday. He said it was really cool and made him feel special. I think what your organization is doing is very beneficial for the youth in our community."
Anne Rogers - Program Director, LCYS
"A wonderful mission!"
Karen Velez - Special Projects & Resource Development Specialist, Loudoun County Social Services, Loudoun County Holiday Coordinator
"Wow! You mean this present is really for me? I won't open it now? I'm going to wait until I get home with my mom!"
An astounded 16 year old boy, first birthday present in 16 years.